The Foundation

Four Tenets

Professional Coaching:

Passion and good intentions are not a substitue for education and experience. Pair your committment of time and energy with professional guidance to realize your full potential.

Personalized Training:

You are not a cog in a machine. You are an individual with a unique body, psychology, background, goals and committments. Only a training program designed with your specific needs in mind can help you achieve your best results.

Patient and Sustainable Progress:

There ARE shortcuts in training - tricks that will help you get faster, stronger, and looking fit in a short amount of time. But they come at a cost, and that cost is injury, burnout, and lethargy. Many coaches use these shortcuts and don't even realize it. I believe in a long view approach to training that will ensure you move forward progressively, safely, and sustainably. Better yet, it won't take long before that path leads you beyond where the shortcuts would have taken you in the first place.

Guidance Over Adherence:

The best coach is like a sherpa, not a drill sergeant. They will support and guide you to the top of the mountain, but only you can carry yourself there. My vast knowlege and experience of the sport is at your disposal and I will guide you along the way, but I'm more interested in teaching you about the process than just telling you what to do. We're in this together, but the responsibility to improve will always lie in your hands first and foremost.

What to Expect with your Remote Coaching



The fundamental principle that guides GTS is that we are each individuals with individual needs and goals. We will begin our relationship with a consult call to learn all about your athletic history, health status, committments, availability, and your goals moving forward. Once that information has been collected we will lay out a plan for your training. This call can take up to an hour or more. The process doesn't end there though. The longer we work together the more I will understand your unique needs and will be able to target your training plan appropriately.

With GTS your training programme is a living document. A plan will be laid out for you on a daily basis along with a general outline of what can be expected moving forward. You will maintain a daily log that will be reviewed regularly (often daily) by your coach. You'll have access to your coach by phone for any questions before or after your training each day. Based on your feedback and how you are adapting to each session, tweaks and adjustments will be made to your training to ensure you are doing exactly what you need to each day.

Nothing is every as straight forward as we hope. Last minute work trips, family committments, illness. Disruptions to training are the rule, not the exception. By keeping your coach updated with these challenges you can ensure your training programme is being adjusted accordingly. It not as simple as just picking up where you left off, or making up workouts when time allows. GTS will ensure your programme remains optimized regardless of the challenges you face in its execution.

Keeping a training log is essential for maximizing your training's effectiveness. With GTS's remote coaching you'll have a professional eye to analyzing that data to tweak the programe as needed. There is a saying that if you are doing the same thing you were a month ago, you aren't training effectively. Goals and timelines will constantly be adjusted based on your response to training. Maybe things are going better than expected, maybe you want to hop into an event you just heard about, maybe you lost a week to the flu and need to get back on track. By reviewing the big pictures as it develops we will ensure you remain on track to acheive your long term goals.

Begin Your Journey Today

Use the button to the right to process payment for your first month. Each month after that will be billed automatically. You may cancel at any time. Once your payment is received, GTS will contact you via email to schedule your initial consult call. Following this call (generally within 48 hours) you will receive your personalized training programme, designed to accomodate both your schedule and training goals. Monthly billing moving forward will be set based on the date your training programme begins.

Check out our
Sculling Camps

Learn to Scull for Experienced Rowers

Are you a sweep rower looking to pick up two oars for the first time? This week long camp is perfect to ensure you get started on the right foot and establish the foundation needed to excel in small boats.

Learn to Scull for First Time Rowers

Eager to try a new sport? Get started on the right foot with this unrivaled introduction to the sport by one of the nations best sculling coaches.

Youth Summer High Performance Training Group

A premier training experience like no other. Unlock your full potential in a training environment designed in every way to maximize your performance.

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